Sophie.F. and Ella
8/19/2013 02:25:46 pm

Hi class,
We think that this would be a good way to continue the story….
“Hey don’t say that it is not very nice and you have to share this area as it is not just yours!” shouted Archie angrily.
Bubbles screamed back, “Fine than I will go and practice for the Athletics Carnival by the sunken boat!”
Bubbles swam of to the sunken boat, but what she didn’t know was that Archie was following her.

From Sophie.F. and Ella! :)

Thomas Butler
8/20/2013 11:50:13 am

Hi Class

I thought that we could continue the story this way ...
Archie swam away in tears. Because his sister distracted him, he lost control and crashed into the forest of coral.
Then, as he stormed off, Archie said, “I’m going to tell mum.”
His sister replied in fear, “Stop! How can I make it up to you?”
From Thomas B.

8/21/2013 01:18:29 pm

Hi class I think that we should continue from Thomas.B's Story this way:
"Well there is one thing," said Archie
"What is it? I'll do anything if you don’t tell mum," said Bubbles.
"Why don’t we go and play in the sunken boat?" suggested Archie.
“Ok,” said Bubbles, ”Let’s go!”
So together Bubbles and Archie swam to the sunken boat, but little did they know that someone or something was following them.
When Bubbles and Archie got to the sunken boat Archie said, “You explore that half and I’ll explore this half.”
So they each went to explore in their half.
When Archie was exploring his area he found a newspaper and the headline said,
But Archie didn’t know that the murderer was the thing that was following them.
By Tom J

Thomas.J and Noah
8/26/2013 02:29:47 pm

Hi Class its Thomas.J continuing from my story ENJOY!

Archie didn’t take any notice of this news headline,
But if he had he would have been able to get out of the boat in time.
“EEEEEEEEEEEK!” yelled Bubbles from her half of the boat.
Archie quickly swam to her half and saw a shark getting closer and closer to Bubbles.
“HELP ARCHIE HELP!” screamed Bubbles.
The shark then looked at Archie and Archie saw how horrible the shark looked.
The shark had big, red eyes an evil grin on his face and it looked like he hadn’t even brushed his teeth!
Archie looked at him in shock and the shark said
“What’s wrong? Are you too afraid to be EATEN!?”
“Yes” said Archie “because your teeth are mouldy”
“WHY YOU LITTLE” yelled the shark “well maybe you’ll think differently when I EAT YOUR SISTER!”
The shark turned back to Bubbles and came closer and closer to her.

I will finish the last bit soon! -Thomas.J

Sean Ritchie
8/26/2013 02:30:02 pm

Hi class
This is how I think we should continue the story.
Then all of a sudden Archie heard a bang. He turned quickly and saw the mean massive Bruce. He swam as fast as he could but it didn’t work so he quickly hide in a small hole that had formed under the gigantic ship. Luckily Bruce didn’t see him. He was tempted to yell and warn bubbles but then that would give away his position. After about five minutes he heard Bubbles trying to find him she was yelling
“Archie where are you?” then Archie heard a scream.
Followed on from Tom.J
By Sean

Sophie and Mia
8/26/2013 02:30:38 pm

Hi Class

We think that the story should continue like this
Archie took one look behind him a saw nothing except complete darkness.
“There’s nothing to be afraid of Archie just a creepy old sunken boat!” Archie thought to himself.
He read though the newspaper head line ten times to see what was the murderous thing was. He heard a CREEEEK and nearly jumped out of his scales.
followed from Tom J

Sophie.F. and Ella
8/21/2013 01:18:36 pm

Hi Class,
Ella and Sophie are going on with ours.

When Bubbles got to the sunken boat she was all alone.
Bubbles sighed, “YAY I am away from my brother and I am all alone. That will give me lots of time to practice for the athletics carnival.”
When Archie arrived he shivered with fear and said, “I am really scared. How does Bubbles like this place?”
Meanwhile Bubbles was swimming in circles to get into the sunken boat. When she got inside the boat there was a big wave which made her loose her balance and fell in to a treasure chest. The treasure chest lid closed with a big BANG and she was trapped.
Archie jumped when he heard the big bang.
Then Archie heard a very loud scream saying HELP I really need it!

From Sophie and Ella

Joanna's and Kelly's
8/21/2013 01:20:11 pm

Hi class,

This is what we think should go next. We are following with Sophie and Ella’s story.

The sunken boat was faraway and Archie was getting tired of following his sister for so long, but he kept following because he felt that Bubbles wasn’t actually going to practise for the Barrier Reef Carnival. He was so stuck in his thoughts that he bumped into a piece of sharp coral and he lost a scale. Archie screamed in pain really loud, luckily his sister Bubbles was far enough away that she didn’t hear Archie. All of a sudden Archie heard his sister say some nasty things about him.
From Joanna and Kelly.

Sam Zeke Sean
8/21/2013 01:21:13 pm

hi class
But she also didn’t know that there was a new resident in the sunken ship. Archie had learnt rumours about the fish that got eaten by the shark called Bruce. So Archie raced off to warn Bubbles about the Bruce. When he finally caught up to her, he said “Bubbles please don’t into the sunken ship, there is a huge shark in there called Bruce.” Bubbles
yelled, “get of me you idiot, there is no shark here

followed on by Sophie's

Sophie and Ella
8/26/2013 02:27:41 pm

Hi Class,
We are following ours.
Archie was swimming towards the sunken boat there was a big shark swimming toward him. He let out a scream that was so loud Bubbles heard him. Bubbles tried to push her way out of the treasure chest. But she couldn’t get out. Meanwhile Archie was in the shark’s mouth. He found out that the shark’s name was Bruce. A moment later Bruce got really tired and he let out a big yawn. As he did so, Archie quickly swam out.
After he was out he said, “I’m FREE!!”
Then after that he raced off to the sunken boat to help save Bubbles.
From Sophie and Ella

8/26/2013 02:28:06 pm

Hi class I think that this would be good for the story...

After Archie found out that the murder was following him he screamed.
“Archie is that you? Are you okay?” shrieked Bubbles as she went looking for him.
“No not really,” replied Archie in stress.
As soon as Bubbles saw the murder Bruce she started doing her karate skills that she learnt when she was younger. After she did her karate skills Bruce got scared and swam away.
“Thanks for saving me Bubbles,” Archie said in relief.
“Anytime Archie,” replied Bubbles as she helped Archie up happily.

Rachel :)

8/26/2013 02:30:21 pm

i belive it should go on like this
Then Archie felt like he was being watched “Bubbles” said Archie sacredly
“What” said Bubbles?
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this”.

amelia amelia and ryan
8/26/2013 02:30:35 pm

Continuing from Ella and Sophie

Bubbles screams “Argggggggggggg!”
Archie heard his sister’s scream and swam as fast as he could to Bubbles but when he got there he saw Bruce the shark standing over the treasure chest that Bubbles was in.
“Hehehehehehehehe Now I’m going to win the athletics carnival!” Laughed Bruce.
“HELP!!!” shouted Bubbles from inside the treasure chest.
There was nothing that Archie could do until Bruce had left. So he waited until the athletics carnival when Bruce had left.
He rummaged through the sunken bot for the key for the treasure chest.
Meanwhile at the athletics carnival…………
Bruce had won the first race!
Back at the sunken boat Archie had finally let his sister out and they won as fast as they could to the carnival.
Bubbles WON the first place!!!

8/26/2013 05:38:22 pm

Hi Class,
It is just me posting this letter as Ella is not with me. I have posted this letter from home.
Then after that he raced off to the sunken boat to help save Bubbles.
He swam over to the sunken boat and shouted “Bubbles where are you?”
I am locked in a treasure chest and I can’t get out!” groaned bubbles.
“Ok I will come and rescue you as soon as possible!” shouted Archie.
Archie raced off to go save his sister. When he found the treasure chest he shouted “Bubbles are you in there?”
“Yes I am in here and can you please open this lid as I do not have much air left.” Screamed bubbles.
“Ok” mumbled Archie. While Archie was trying to get the chest open he was talking all about how he got swallowed by Bruce. Bubbles found it amazing. After ten goes Archie got the lid open. Bubbles swam out happily and said a big “THANK YOU so much!! I am so sorry for saying mean stuff to you. You are my hero! How did you find me here?”
“Well I followed you the whole way here!” laughed Archie.
“Wow did you really? You swim so quietly. I didn’t even here you once!”
“Thanks now we better swim back to the reef so you can practice!”
“Yep for sure and we will also split our back yard in half!” continued Archie
“Thanks you are the best brother in the whole word!” mumbled Bubbles happily.
“What are you waiting for? Let’s go home!” screamed Archie.
So Archie and Bubbles swam home together happily.


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    August 2013

