An Adjective describes a noun. Using adjectives makes your sentences more interesting.
Watch the video clip to see some adjectives.
You could write this sentence:

The koala eats gum leaves.

or you could add an adjective and write:

The cuddly koala eats leaves.

Try to add adjectives to the nouns in the subject of your sentence and add them as a blog comment.
In a sentence there is a subject and then the action (verb) that the subject does, or something about the subject.
e.g. The dog barks.
The dog is the subject and the action is barks.
or The dog
is cuddly.
Again the dog is the subject and is cuddly tells us about the dog.

Remember that a sentences begins with a capital and ends in a full stop.

Can you write some simple sentences in a blog?
You could use any of these subjects:
My cat 
The tree
My friend
A car

Or you could think of other subjects for your sentence.